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The Persistent Hope of Honor



In the soul? Where is it? Where does honor reside? A man can touch the stars But his soul is a mystery? Why? Maybe because its society But I say bullshit. Honor is a right, Valor an aspiration, Respect a way a life. A samurai’s way Was the way of the sword, To live or die.

Honor a code, Honor is life, Dishonor is death. Is it a cult? Were these men so simple? Or so much more? Honor is respect. Respect for: Others Self Life But this respect is aimed at one’s self, Where you gain honor by doing, By helping and standing up for your beliefs. Now, I dare you to live… Can’t you see? What is wrong with people are people: No respect, No honor, Valor unheard of, The world disgraced. So then, What do you have? Will you stand for your beliefs? Will you stand up for someone weaker? Will you respect yourself enough to have honor? Will you respect others enough not to take what they have and share what you have? Will you be the one to say no to persecution and hate? I dare you. What ever happened to the love in this world? They say there are no honorable men, And gentlemen are almost extinct, Well… Are you the one to prove them right? That honor is just a concept? That Men are men no longer, But silly, self-absorbed boys without purpose? Which one will you be? Honored and respected? Or Disgrace and despised? I dare you to live believing… Honor is life. Choose honor. Choose to live. Live or Die, For what you believe in. For who you are.

For who you can be. For who you will be.

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